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St. Bruno and St. Paul Leadership Councils

The partner parishes of St. Bruno and St. Paul have members who serve the pastoral and finance councils. For more information on these councils, or to learn more about membership, please contact the parish office.

Finance Council

​Finance Council is a consultative group responsible to assist the pastor with the stewardship of the financial resources of the parishes. This includes maintaining adequate reserves, facility management, endowments and evaluation of offertory levels. Membership to Finance Council is appointed by the pastor.

Memeber Name​​Parish​
​Phil Horrell​St. Bruno​
​Beth Iezzi​St. Bruno​
​Pat Homer​St. Paul
​Terri Murphy​St. Bruno​
​Tammy Panosky​St. Paul
​Larry Rusnock​St. Paul
​Dennis Todaro​St. Bruno​
​Paul Whalen​St. Paul​

Pastoral Council

​Pastoral Council assists the pastor in assessing the pastoral/spiritual needs of the parish. The council develops goals and objectives for the parishes to focus on. The council, with the pastor, is responsible for implementing and evaluating these goals and objectives. 

​Member Name
Jason Anderson
Catlyn Bailey
Bill Brasco
TJ Campagna
John Devich
Sharon Highberger
Mike Kuchta
David Ferranti
Madison Swan
Mike Kuchta
Cindy Long
Matt Lucotch
Matt Very
​Dana Woodberry
Elaine Zimmerman
Fr. Lawrence Manchas