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​​The partner parishes of St. Bruno and St. Paul encourage their parishioners to participate in one of our liturgical, social or music ministries. If you are interested in serving your faith community, please don’t hesitate to contact the parish office.​

St. Bruno Ministries

​Below are a listing of all ministries offered at St. Bruno Parish.

Parish Ministry​​​​​Ministry Head
Altar ServersTerry Willcox
Baptism PreparationSue Craig
ChoirDenise McMullan
Collection CounterJohn Lynch
Daily Eucharistic Adoration​Donna Sunseri
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionTerry Willcox
Fish FryJohn & Karen Lynch
GardenerPaula Horrell
GreeterPatty Sliva
Youth MinistrySue Craig
LectorsKathy Poole
Marriage PrepJohn & Karen Lynch
OCIATom Niggel
Religious EducationSue Craig
Rosary Altar SocietyAmy Fiaschetti
SacristansTerry Willcox
St. Vincent de Paul SocietyPaul Jones
Summer FestivalStaff
UshersPatty Sliva/Marc Crimboli
Kevin O’Donnell

Ministry Descriptions

​​ ​​Below are a listing of all ministries offered at St. Paul Parish and St. Bruno.

Parish Ministry​​​​​​​​​Description​​​​​​​​
Altar Servers​Boys & Girls from 3rd to 12th grade. Serve on the Altar by
carrying the cross and candles in the procession, assist the Deacon and
Priest during the Mass. Training is provided for this ministry.
Baptism PreparationContact Sue Craig at 724-836-0690 for details on
baptism preparation at least six weeks prior to baptismal date. It is
required that you call the office to schedule a baptism date and obtain
information on qualifications for godparents.
Cantors​​Leads song at the 4:30 p.m., and 9:00 a.m. Masses.
Catechesis of the Good ShepherdProvides faith formation to our young parishioners from three to five years old. This is based on Montessori principles. Training is pr​​ovided.​
CatechistThose who teach our kindergarten through fifth grade Faith
Formation program, which runs from September to May. Classes are held
in a Multigenerational setting meeting 2 – 3 Sundays during the previous
mentioned months. Catechists can participate in a certification program
through the Diocese.
ChoirSing on most Sundays from September through Pentecost.
Interested individuals may contact the office about becoming a member of
the Choir/Cantor. Messages with be forwarded to our Choir Director.
Coffee and DonutsHeld after the 9:00 a.m., Masses on the last weekend of the month. Volunteers are needed to help with set-up, serving and clean-up.
Collection CountersGroups/Teams meet on a rotating Sunday schedule
at 10:30 a.m. in the counting room to count the weekly offering. These are
groups of 2 or more and if interested, please contact the office at 724-836-
Daily Eucharistic AdorationAdoration is at St. Bruno Chapel from 9:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays.
Thursday’s and the First Friday of the month adoration is from 9:00 a.m. to
7:00 p.m. Adoration is closed on some Holy Days and National Holidays.
Please check the bulletin or website for details on closures. If you wish to
join the scheduled adoration team, please contact Donna Sunseri at
[email protected].
EnvironmentalistsThese individuals work to make our ​​worship space beautiful. They clean, decorate, and make sure our worship environment is prepared for each liturgical season.
Eucharistic Ministers to the HomeboundThese individuals take holy Communion to our parishioners who are sick or homebound. Some also minister at local nursing homes.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionIndividuals trained and
commissioned to assist in distributing the holy Eucharist at Mass.
Interested individuals should contact the office for details at 724-836-0690.
Facilities MinistryIndividuals keep our building well repaired. They meet as necessary to plan and carry out any work that may need to be done.
Fish Fry (St. Bruno)Provided during Lent, this is one of St. Bruno’s biggest fundraisers. Our
fish fry serves hundreds of meals each week. We are always in need of
volunteers to help set up, take orders, serve food, prepare take out orders,
kitchen help, and clean up.
Funeral Altar ServersAdults who assist the priest during funeral Masses.
Funeral ChoirThis choir sings for parish funerals
Funerals Meals MinistryThis ministry needs volunteers to provide set-up, serving, and clean up for parishioners who wish to hold a meal in our hall after a funeral. The family will provide their own catering service.
Gardener (St. Bruno)Maintains flowers on the parish grounds and helps to maintain
areas such as the gazebo.
GreetersWelcomes parishioners and visitors as they enter the church for Mass
LectorsThose who proclaim the word of God during Mass. Training is provided.
Marriage PrepContact the church to schedule a wedding date. Prep
classes are mandatory and can be arranged by contacting Sue Craig at
Meal MinistryVolunteers provide a hot meal to parishioners on a short term basis, such as hospitalization or bereavement.​
Prayer Chain​A group of volunteers who pray for those have requested
prayer for those who are sick, injured, homebound, or in emergency
situations. The prayer chain begins around 7:00 p.m. nightly according to
the need/request for prayers. The prayer chain begins as a phone call and
each member calls the next person in line and recite an issued prayer
together. Prayer is given at the time you sign up to become a member of
this ministry along with phone numbers of the prayer chain members.
OCIAThe process that welcomes non-Catholics into the church, and also for Catholics who have not been fully initiated. Team members help prepare the candidates and catechumens for rites that usually culminate in their full initiation at the Easter Vigil.
Religious EducationPlease contact Sue Craig for information on our
Faith Formation classes that range from Catechesis of Good Shepherd to
fifth grade. There is also mandatory prep for First Holy Communion and
Rosary Altar Society (St. Bruno)Meets the 3rd Thursday during the months of
September, October, November, March, and April. December and May
meetings are typically working dinner meetings with details giving each
year. The rosary is prayed prior to each meeting. This group is in charge
of the bake sale at the annual summer festival. They also maintain care of
the Altar in the Church and the Chapel. All women of the church are
welcome to join this group at any time. Call the office for contact
information to join the group.
SachristansOpen the Church before Mass and prepare vessels and
place books for Mass. Assist the Deacon and the Priest and train altar
Saint Vincent de Paul SocietyThe St. Bruno chapter of the St. Vincent de
Paul Society assists community members in need. They rotate phone
coverage receiving calls and issuing support as needed. Training
​Sisters in Faith​Sisters in Faith meet every second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Paul Sullivan Room unless otherwise stated… Here are some of our dates. May 11 –  June 8 –  July 13 –  August 10​
Social Events MinistryVolunteers help with planning, set up, serving, and/or clean-up for parish social events.
Sponsor CouplesSponsor couples meet with engaged couples and use the manual “For Better and Forever” to help the engaged prepare for marriage.
Summer Festival (St. Bruno)Takes place for 2 days in June on the Church grounds
with food, beverages, children’s games and music/live entertainment. Help
is always needed for set-up, booth workers, kitchen help, games, and
Ushers​​These individuals assist in the seating of worshippers when necessary; choose who will bring the gifts forward; collect the offering; hand out bulletins, and count attendance.
​Ministry of ​Care​it’s a ‘keeping in touch’ ministry where parishioners who have recently been hospitalized or bereaved are contacted by phone to see if they are in need of any of our other parish ministries. ​