Our Parish Mission Statements
St. Bruno Parish Mission Statement
St. Bruno Parish is a Roman Catholic parish established on August 24, 1919. The pastoral care of the parish has been entrusted to the Benedictine Order from the parish’s beginning. We are a Christian family of ethnic and economic diversity and rich in proud family traditions. As part of an interfaith community, we maintain traditional Catholic and community values. We emphasize spiritual growth through worship of the Holy Trinity: providing an environment of spirituality, nurturing Christian lives through the sacraments.
St. Paul Parish Mission Statement
We, St. Paul Parish, are a Christ-centered community of welcoming caring people. Enlightened by the Holy Spirit, we gather to proclaim the word of God, to celebrate Sunday Eucharist, and to receive the sacraments of the church. The Gospel message of Jesus Christ calls us to be leaders who live out our faith through evangelization, stewardship, and the ministries of the parish.